Committee Chairpersons and Co-Chairpersons:
• Legislative
Chair: Martin Ignacio D. Mijares
The Legislative Committee has the following powers, duties and responsibilities:
• Coordinates with the President, the officers, the Board of Directors and the general membership in representing
TMAP before Congress in any hearing in aid of tax and related legislation;
• Assists the President in ensuring that the Association’s position on various proposed legislation is properly
communicated to Congress and the appropriate government agencies and conducts research and liaison work
with Congress, the Court of Tax Appeals and various government agencies such as the Bureau of Internal
Revenue, Bureau of Customs, Department of Finance and Department of Interior and Local Government;
• Prepares drafts of proposed legislation, ordinances, regulations, circulars, orders or other issuances for
discussion by the Board and/or the general membership prior to eventual submission to the appropriate
government agency or body for the latter’s consideration;
• Prepares drafts of position papers on relevant and existing or proposed legislation, ordinances, regulations,
circulars, orders, rulings, or other issuances for discussion by the Board and/or the general membership prior
to eventual submission to the appropriate government agency or body for the latter’s consideration;
• Attends and participates in public hearings, inquiries, or consultations conducted by any government agency or
body in connection with existing or proposed legislation, ordinances, regulations, circulars, orders or other
issuances which have some relation to tax management or practice;
• Liaises with relevant government agencies or bodies whose actions, decisions, rulings or other issuances relate
to or affect tax practice and/or management or otherwise affect in any manner the interest/s of the members of
the Association; and
• Monitors any recent developments in law-making by Congress, ordinance-making by local government units that
may affect the members of the Association, promulgation or deliberation of administrative regulations, orders
and circulars, and informs the general membership of such developments.
• Professional Development
Chair: Alvin Noel R. Saldaña
The Professional Development Committee has the following powers, duties and responsibilities:
• Organizes and coordinates seminars and/or workshops relating to national and local taxation, tariffs and
customs duties, and such other topics as may have relevance to tax practice or management;
• Invites guest speakers and/or resource persons for the abovementioned seminars and/or workshops organized
and coordinated by the Association; and
• Attends to and is responsible for all physical arrangements, advertisements, seminar materials, registration and
such other arrangements or activities as may be necessary or appropriate in connection with the conduct of the
abovementioned seminars and/or workshops.
• Finance
The Finance Committee has the following powers, duties and responsibilities:
• Plans and recommends to the Board viable fund-raising activities to help finance projects and activities of the
Association and implements the same upon approval by the Board;
• Prepares and submits to the Board a detailed budget and financial projection relating to any proposed or
planned seminar and/or workshop and an income statement after such seminar or workshop; and
• Assists the Treasurer in managing reserve funds.
• Publications
Chair: Michael P. Garcia
The Publications Committee has the following powers, duties and responsibilities:
• Gathers materials for and publishes regularly the TMAP Tax Bulletin for distribution to members of the
• Prepares a monthly/bi-monthly publication of tax, economic and other general interest news for publication in
the TMAP Monitor and distributes the same to the Association’s members and selected officers of the
Department of Finance, Bureau of Internal Revenue, Bureau of Customs and such other government offices and
• Obtains regularly from government agencies such as the Bureau of Internal Revenue, Bureau of Customs,
Department of Finance, Department of Justice, Central Board of Assessment Appeals, Court of Tax Appeals,
Supreme Court and Court of Appeals copies of relevant and recent decisions, rulings, circulars, regulations,
orders and resolutions for publication in the TMAP Tax Bulletin and/or distribution to members of the
• Publishes, whenever necessary or appropriate, special issues of the TMAP Tax Bulletin for distribution to
members of the Association;
• Coordinates the distribution of copies of the TMAP Tax Bulletin for distribution to members of the Association;
• Negotiates the contract for the lay-out, printing, reproduction and/or binding of the regular and special issues
of the TMAP Tax Bulletin.
• Membership
Chair: Rachelle Ann Baod-Montalvo
The Membership Committee has the following powers, duties and responsibilities:
• Screens applicants for membership in the Association which shall include interviewing, evaluating and
recommending to the TMAP Board for approval of applications for TMAP membership;
• Evaluates the status of each member of the Association and submit appropriate recommendations or report to
the Board of Directors;
• Introduces new members for induction in the monthly TMAP membership meetings;
• Prepares the TMAP Oath of Membership and distributes the same to new members prior to their oath-taking;
• Provides members with information relating to TMAP itself, TMAP activities and members.
• Special Events
Chair: Roselle Y. Caraig
The Special Events Committee has the following powers, duties and responsibilities:
• Plans and prepares the Program for each monthly general membership meeting;
• In coordination with the President, invites guest speakers for the monthly general membership meetings and is
responsible for the purchasing of gifts/tokens of appreciation for such guest speakers or resource speakers;
• Plans and coordinates the annual Christmas program and summer outing and fellowship of the Association;
• Plans and coordinates such special events as testimonials, anniversary celebrations, inductions and similar
• Assists the Professional Development Committee in organizing tax seminars to be conducted by the Association;
• Assigns the hosts for the TMAP Board meetings.
• General Membership Meeting
Chair: Michael Jude R. Dolot
10 October 2024 (Thursday)
11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Makati Diamond Residences
Guest Speaker:
Atty. Vincent Philip C. Maronilla
Assistant Commissioner of the
Post Clearance Audit Group (PCAG)
Bureau of Customs
“Updates from the Bureau of Customs”
28 November 2024 (Thursday)
1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
via zoom
5 December 2024 (Thursday)
Copyright 2024 TMAP |Tax Management Association of the Philippines, Inc.
Website powered by: Pinoys Interactive
10 October 2024 (Thursday)
11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Makati Diamond Residences
Guest Speaker:
Atty. Vincent Philip C. Maronilla
Assistant Commissioner of the
Post Clearance Audit Group (PCAG)
Bureau of Customs
“Updates from the Bureau of Customs”
28 November 2024 (Thursday)
1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
via zoom
5 December 2024 (Thursday)
| MENU |
10 October 2024 (Thursday)
11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Makati Diamond Residences
Guest Speaker:
Atty. Vincent Philip C. Maronilla
Assistant Commissioner of the
Post Clearance Audit Group (PCAG)
Bureau of Customs
“Updates from the Bureau of Customs”
28 November 2024 (Thursday)
1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
via zoom
5 December 2024 (Thursday)